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Family Reunions 1

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UPC 126941105038 Availability In Stock
Language English
Length about 90 Minutes
2/1/2025 - 2/28/2025
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  • Features

    DVD Player Compatible, DVD-Rom Compatible, No Regional Coding, Playable Worldwide

  • Description

    Presley the mai acd has just turned down Pete, because it?s Pete?s father Manuel whom she has her eyes on. She is desperate to put out for him. Pete needs help with his after graduate courses, so he goes to Prof. Wrinklesfoot house. Things get hot and heavy when all he needs is a shiny recommendation from her. Every family has got it's secrets!. Father Evan works hard for his family, and he makes his secretary work extra hard for him too. India decides to surprise Manuel with a hot and spicy lunch date. But when she gets there he?s nowhere to be found. Manuel?s boss Erik walks in and finds India sulking, so he sooths her the best way he can.

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