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Lesbian Office Seductions 9

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UPC 126938101180 Availability In Stock
Studio Sweetheart
Language English
Length about 90 Minutes

  • Features

    DVD Player Compatible, DVD-Rom Compatible, No Regional Coding, Playable Worldwide

  • Description

    Diana (Kimberly Kane) is a hardcore ladder climbing bitch. A woman that is willing to sleep her way to the top and not opposed to her assistant Marti (Maddy O'Reilly) to do the same. So when Diana discovers Lynn (Raven Rockette) a musical ingenue, she doesn't expect anyone to get in her way, most certainly not her biggest rival Kate (Tanya Tate). Kate has other things on her mind, like snaking the company's two biggest clients, Billie (Celeste Star) and Silvie (Adrianna Luna) from right under Diana and her big boss Jacqueline's (Justine Joli) stern hand with Skin Diamond.

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