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My Favorite Teacher

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UPC 126941106967 Availability In Stock
Studio Sweet Sinner
Language English
Length about 90 Minutes

  • Features

    DVD Player Compatible, DVD-Rom Compatible, No Regional Coding, Playable Worldwide

  • Description

    Oliver has it bad for his former mentor, Angela Ivory. She inspired him in the months leading up to college and even encouraged him to get out and see the world. But, their affair was short lived when his overbearing mother, Carol ended the relationship - forcing him to go to college and abandon his ?friendship? with Ms. Ivory. Now Oliver has returned for summer vacation after his freshman year of college and memories of his relationship with Ms. Ivory is ever close to the surface. But, will he get lured back into the lust and connection he felt for this teacher, or will he stay the course and be the good son his mother has always wanted?

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